
Mindful Monday

SINCE: there is no one else like you – why not intentionally set out to be the best you that you can be?

April 29th, 2024|

Wisdom Wednesday

Safeguard your heart diligently, as it profoundly influences the path of your life. Just as gated fences and security measures serve multiple purposes for property protection, guarding our hearts serves to keep out trespassers, maintain awareness of who enters, and ensure our emotional safety. The human heart functions as a gateway to our emotions, vulnerable to trespass and breakage. Protecting our hearts entails being mindful of whom and what we let in. The individuals and things we connect with wield significant influence over our lives, for better or worse. If you seek positivity in your life, it's wise to be vigilant about protecting your heart.

March 27th, 2024|

Fitness Friday

There are numerous remedies that offer instant relief from pain, sorrow, or hardship. However, upon awakening from their temporary effects, these conditions persist. It's challenging to confront reality, but this approach can be advantageous. Have a conversation with yourself about it. Cry if you must, express frustration, but refrain from suppressing your emotions. They serve as vital tools for navigating the world and are an integral part of what it means to be alive.

March 29th, 2024|

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